Founding Partner

Engineering Leadership is ready to mentor you, a leader for the next generation of engineers, with our foundation of 17 Constants. We cannot wait to see you grow and realize the potential you have within to lead the next wave of change.

Doug Haugh

Chemical Engineer, Business Executive and Creator of Engineering Leadership

“As an engineer I have come to believe that despite the complexity of leadership we can break it down into fundamentals that provide a framework that can be used to build great leaders. We learn very early in engineering that solving complex design challenges requires the application of simplifying assumptions. By declaring several potential variables as constants, we create the ability to solve the most complicated challenges. Creating a simple leadership framework that makes one of the world’s most complicated topics more trainable and teachable requires this same type of thinking.”

Ultimately, we believe leaders are not born, they are built.

Our Story

The concept for Engineering Leadership came about ten years ago, when Doug was well established as a professional engineer and an energy executive.

His leadership abilities grew throughout his career by way of experiences, mistakes and self learning. He realized many engineers, like himself, don’t often get exposed to key leadership principles early in their career or in college. This poses a dual issue: it hinders an individual engineer’s potential for leadership growth; and it collectively hinders businesses, communities, families and societies, who miss out on the value of sharp engineering thinking.

Indeed, many students who enter engineering and technical majors in college lack exposure or learnings on leadership skills. There is a need to help engineers get these critical life skills early in their careers.

Thus the concept for Engineering Leadership was born.

Through this material, we hope to show that leadership is a scalable, teachable skill that can be developed with practice. We’ve created an engineering-minded framework that teaches the 17 constants to create a full leadership spectrum.

We’ve gathered C-suite engineering leaders throughout the US to share their stories at the intersection of leadership and engineering. Through video interviews, podcasts, free assessments and our book, we’ve created digestible, actionable ways for engineers–at whatever stage of life they are in–to advance their leadership skills.

All materials, with the exception of the book, are free. Any proceeds from the book will be fully directed towards professorships, college course curriculums and more with the purpose of preparing engineering students for future leadership success.